False Consciousness in Daniyal Mueenuddin’s In Other Rooms, Other Wonders
False Consciousness, Daniyal Mueenuddin, MarxismAbstract
This research seeks to explore the false consciousness of the lower class in society that is created by the upper class in the following stories, Nawabdin Electrician, Saleema, A Spoiled Man, Provide, In Other Rooms, Other Wonders, about a Burning Girl taken from Daniyal Mueenuddin's collection of short stories In Other Rooms, Other Wonders. It investigates in detail how the proletariat's mind is controlled by the upper class by giving them false beliefs, and it also invites us to look in detail at how the lower strata are kept in disillusion in the paradigm of capitalism and how this false consciousness became the cause of the destruction of the lives of the many characters. These stories have been analyzed under the domain of Marxism. This paper will comprise the Marxist analysis of the text and it is an interpretative type of research involving the textual analysis of the proposed text. This study finds that different characters are the victims of false consciousness within the capitalist society, and this research is purely qualitative and exploratory.
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