The Efficacy of Corpus-Based Materials in Enhancing Vocabulary Acquisition among Pakistani EFL Learners


  • Sana Hussan PhD Scholar, Faculty of English, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Salma Kalim Assistant Professor, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.



Corpus-based Activities, Pre-test, Post-test


This study investigates the efficacy of corpus-based activities in the teaching of English vocabulary. In contrast to traditional methods that depend on textbook exercises and dictionary usage, this research seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of corpus-based activities in vocabulary instruction. Additionally, the study aims to investigate students' attitudes towards corpus-based vocabulary exercises. A total of one hundred graduate-level degree program students from a government institution in Swabi participated in this study. The control group used a dictionary and textbook, whereas the experimental group worked with materials based on concordance. There were two intact groups.  Quantitative research instruments were used in this quasi-experimental study.  A pre-test, post-test, and online survey were employed as quantitative tools. The test results' statistical analysis showed that employing corpus-based vocabulary exercises excelled using a textbook. Additionally, the results of our study indicated that students felt positively about doing corpus-based vocabulary activities.


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How to Cite

Hussan, S., & Kalim, S. (2024). The Efficacy of Corpus-Based Materials in Enhancing Vocabulary Acquisition among Pakistani EFL Learners. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(4), 11-27.