Translanguaging as a Pedagogical Tool for Enhancing Intercultural Communication in ESL Learners
Translanguaging, ESL Learners, Intercultural Communication, Bilingual, Linguistic Diversity, Language and IdentityAbstract
This study investigates the role of translanguaging in enhancing intercultural communication among ESL learners when it is applied as a pedagogical tool. Translanguaging allows the learner to explore their linguistic repertoire to generate the meaning in language as it refers to using multiple languages in an environment where the learning process is dynamic. This study helps acknowledge the significance of translanguaging in bridging the gap between language and cultural diversity among ESL learners. The research opts for the quantitative method to design the sampling and analysis of this topic. Learners in ESL classrooms are utilized as the data source by using purposive sampling as a technique to collect information relevant to the field study. The data includes bilingual learners from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and are examined to provide insight into how translanguaging facilitates intercultural communication in ESL learners. The findings are expected to underscore the importance of incorporating translanguaging in ESL pedagogy, suggesting that its implementation can significantly improve learner outcomes by creating a more inclusive, dynamic, and culturally responsive learning environment. This research suggests adopting translanguaging as a pedagogical tool in classrooms to contribute to communication in an inclusive classroom environment.
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