Effects of Exposure to Animated Videos of Dental Procedures on Patient’s Anxiety and Decision-Making: An Experimental Study


  • Syeda Asma Hussain MS Scholar, Department of Arts & Media, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Nadira Khanum Assistant Professor, Department of Arts & Media, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.




Health Communication, Animated Videos, Anxiety, Decision-Making


Media has become an effective medium for disseminating health information in an explicit manner that satisfies the needs of the general public. This study investigates the effects of exposure to animated videos of dental procedures on patients' anxiety levels and decision-making. Animated videos have emerged as useful tools for presenting complicated medical information in an accessible and educating manner in the ever-changing world of health communication. A quantitative methodology was employed using a series of experiments on two groups: the experimental group received the intervention (Animated video of a procedure) and in-person consultation by the healthcare provider. The control group only received in-person consultation. The study's results revealed that exposure to animated videos might help patients reduce their anxiety and improve their decision-making regarding their treatment options before dental procedures. The findings show that age and gender may not be the predictors of anxiety levels and preparedness for decision-making. Educational level significantly affects the patient in alleviating anxiety and demonstrating more preparedness for decision-making.

Author Biography

  • Syeda Asma Hussain, MS Scholar, Department of Arts & Media, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Hussain, S. A., & Khanum, N. (2024). Effects of Exposure to Animated Videos of Dental Procedures on Patient’s Anxiety and Decision-Making: An Experimental Study. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(4), 188-197. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjssh.v-iv(CP).24232