Job Satisfaction of University Teachers: A Comparative Study of Gender, Age and Marital Status
Job Satisfaction, Gender, Age, Marital StatusAbstract
This study's major aim was to compare university teachers' job satisfaction regarding gender, age, and marital status. The current study was descriptive in nature, and data was gathered by survey methods. 164 University of Kotli teachers made up the study population. The researcher chose 113 teachers to serve as the study's sample. The study's research tool was a standardized instrument. The researcher gathered the data through in-person visits to university instructors. The data was analyzed using SPSS, a statistical software for social science. In order to analyze the data, the researcher used the independent sample t-test, frequency, percentage, mean, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). It was found that teachers receive recognition from their immediate supervisors, and they give assistance when needed. Moreover, the immediate supervisor appreciates good teaching and assists in improving instruction. On the other hand, the immediate supervisor does not provide backup to teachers, and they are not willing to listen to suggestions from teachers. It is also recommended that immediate supervisors avoid giving meaningless instructions to the teachers so that they do not feel bored/ill.
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